Political Data Intelligence
Conservative leaning political startup based in Washington D.C. is looking for an intern or two to help the co-founders on various projects, research and analytics. We have in the past or currently work for the RNC, NRCC, John McCain for President, Gov. Chris Christie, Senator Scott Brown, Governor Rick Scott, several congressional candidates and lots of right leaning non-profits. We also helped out a friends mom create a site to sell her cookies – they are really good cookies.
If you want to be involved in political campaigns then this is the internship for you. If you want to affect policy by maybe one day in the far future passing a bill then go to the hill. If you want to affect policy by unseating a Democratic incumbent who championed job killing policies (or maybe just over-taxed your tanning habit) then come work for us. Our work involves targeting strategy, new media, field or communications plans and more importantly execution – if that sounds like something you want to do then come work for us.
Candidate must come with at least one or all of the following (this is an internship not a job, we want and expect to teach you a lot so don’t worry if you can’t do most of this);
Candidate Deal Breakers
We were all underpaid overworked interns at one point in our lives. We all know what it means to crash receptions on the hill with jackets in the summer so you have extra pockets to stuff all the sushi and mini-sandwiches you can get your hands on (FYI – that white stuff usually is mayo and it doesn’t survive metro rides).
We think the intern struggle builds character but we also think it should be just a bit easier for you interns to get along.
The company will pay your metro expenses and buy you lots of lunches/dinners. We will also give you a slice of the action. How much of the action? Your only worth as much as negotiate for so come in and tell us what your worth and how your going to earn it.
Who Are You Guys?
If you got this posting then you probably got it from a friend of friend or something. That’s how politics and this business works, word of mouth. Want to impress us, come to the interview and show us you did your homework and asked around about us.
Check us out at www.vlytics.com or www.apolit.com and if your interested send us an email at [email protected]. Or even better use this stuff to figure out our Twitter names, Facebook accounts, other emails, cell phone numbers etc. If you reach out to us other than with the above email (i.e. you figured shit out) then you get donut points.
One to two days a week in our downtown office at 1212 New York Ave. NW right by the Metro Center stop on the redline.
One More Thing
This is a rolling admissions process, if we find someone we like we hire them if we don’t we won’t.
We don’t need interns rather we want them young grasshopper.